HB surface antigen glycan isomer

A monoclonal antibody to O-glycosylated PreS2 on M-HBs, which is predominantly expressed by DNA-containing viral particle.

Materials included in the kit

Applicable Genotype: C 50μg


Immunoprecipitation/Separation of HBV particles


HBV infection inhibition assay


Isotype: mouse IgG1

Light chain: kappa

Amount: 50 μg

Storage: Store at –20℃ and avoid freeze / thaw cycle. Aliquots should be frozen and thawed once, with any remainder kept at 4℃ for short period.

mouse IgG1 kit Features

OverviewHBV envelope protein is composed of three types of surface antigens, S-, M-, and L-HBs, which are produced from an HBsAg gene containing PreS1, PreS2 and S-domains1. HBsAgs are heavily glycosylated with N-glycan and O-glycan2,3. Whole glycan structural analyses revealed that PreS2 domain on M-HBs, but not on L-HBs, contains highly conserved O-glycosylated site in genotype C (gC)4,5.
Product Code:RCA-001
Applicable Genotype: Genotype: C
How to orderThis product can be purchased directly from us
DistributorOur products can be purchased from the following distributor.
FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation
Safety data sheetSafety data sheet [JP]
Safety data sheet [EN]
User GuideUser Guide
References:1. Schadler and Hildt (2009) Viruses 1:185-209.
2. Schmitt et al. (2004) J Gen Virol 85:2045-2053.
3. Dobrica et al. (2020) Cells 9:1404.
4. Wagatsuma et al. (2018) Anal Chem 90:10196-10203. 5. Angata et al. (2021) Biochim Biophys Acta Gen Subj. 1866:130020

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